Southend Ornithological Group Bird News

Records submitted in the last 14 days, most recent first. Amber indicates scarce, red indicates rare (Essex requires notes or a description), magenta indicates non-native.

Friday 26 July 2024

Wallasea Island (RSPB), 15:30 to 18:40
25 Little Egret, 3 Marsh Harrier (+), 40 Golden Plover (c.), 6 Whimbrel, 20 Yellow Wagtail (c.) [Paul Griggs, Bob Young]

Westcliff, 08:40 to 08:45, Gainsborough Park
28 Swift [Jeff Kinnerman]

Chalkwell Park Drive, Leigh, 01:00 to 02:30
4 Red Fox (ad + 3 cubs), 1 Badger [John Wright]

Thursday 25 July 2024

South Fambridge, 10:55 to 10:55
1 Spoonbill (adult flying around on Blue House Farm) [Paul Baker]

Chalkwell Park Drive, Leigh, 10:30 to 11:00
1 Common Toad (big female), 2 Common Frog (froglets), 3 Slow-worm, 3 Gatekeeper [John Wright]

Coombe Wood, 08:00 to 08:15
1 Nuthatch (calling at the bottom of my garden, first one since last summer) [Jeff Saward]

Westcliff, 07:35 to 07:40, St Georges Drive
2 Swift [Jeff Kinnerman]

Wednesday 24 July 2024

South Fambridge, 16:15 to 16:45, Viewing across to BHF
4 Spoonbill (flying around on BHF), 1 Sparrowhawk (low through garden) [Paul Baker]

Rochford Golf Course, 15:40 to 18:40, Warm, overcast, SSW wind
2 Egyptian Goose (pair), 1 Kestrel, 4 Swift (with House Martins), 3 Green Woodpecker (family party), 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Sand Martin (with House Martins), 100 House Martin (moving south), 3 Chiffchaff, 1 Stoat, 5 Banded Demoiselle, 2 Migrant Hawker, 2 Meadow Brown [Neil Chambers]

Westcliff, 09:30 to 09:35, St Georges Drive
25 Swift [Jeff Kinnerman]

Victoria Road, Rayleigh, 09:15 to 12:00
1 Chiffchaff, 1 Goldcrest, 3 Migrant Hawker, 1 Southern Migrant Hawker, 1 Small White, 1 Red Admiral, 2 Peacock Butterfly, 1 Comma [Neil Chambers]

Bowers Marsh (RSPB), 07:30 to 11:40
8 Great Crested Grebe (3 juvs.), 1 Egyptian Goose, 1 Buzzard, 1 Kestrel, 16 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Greenshank (on saline.), 2 Common Sandpiper, 14 Yellow Wagtail, 1 Yellowhammer, 1 Northern Water Vole, 8 Southern Migrant Hawker [Graham Ryland, Graham Oakes]

Tuesday 23 July 2024

South Fambridge, 17:30 to 17:30
1 Hummingbird Hawkmoth (again, or another?) [Paul Baker]

Vange Marsh (RSPB), 16:40 to 17:40
2 Egyptian Goose, 3 Ruff, 177 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 9 Spotted Redshank, 21 Redshank, 8 Greenshank, 1 Green Sandpiper, 1 Wood Sandpiper [Marc Outten]

Wallasea Island (RSPB), 15:45 to 17:00
5 Spoonbill, 1 Green Woodpecker (Juvenile on telegraph post by farm), 3 Yellow Wagtail, 6 Corn Bunting, 1 Scarce Emerald Damselfly, 6 Common Blue, 2 Painted Lady, 10 Marbled White [Paul Baker]

Canewdon, 15:30 to 15:30
1 Buzzard (in tree, in layby just west of village) [Paul Baker]

Chalkwell Park Drive, Leigh, 13:00 to 13:10
1 Common Frog (froglet), 5 Slow-worm, 1 Wood Mouse [John Wright]

Canvey Wick, 10:40 to 12:00
2 Buzzard, 200 Curlew (c200 Hole Haven creek), 1 Red Fox, 2 Common Seal (Hole haven creek mudflats), 2 Rabbit [John Wright]

South Fambridge, 09:15 to 09:15
1 Marsh Harrier (female again hunting around the garden), 1 Hummingbird Hawkmoth [Paul Baker]

Westcliff, 06:35 to 06:40, St Georges Drive
11 Swift [Jeff Kinnerman]

Chalkwell Park Drive, Leigh, 01:45 to 01:45
3 Red Fox, 1 Badger (first one for 2 years in the garden) [John Wright]

Monday 22 July 2024

Benfleet Creek, 09:30 to 09:45
2 Whimbrel (Benfleet end of the creek) [John Wright]

Westcliff, 05:15 to 05:20, St Georges Drive
3 Swift [Jeff Kinnerman]

Sunday 21 July 2024

South Fambridge, 19:55 to 20:05
1 Marsh Harrier (female hunting low through the garden. Went west initially then back east 10 minutes later) [Paul Baker]

South Fambridge, 15:00 to 15:00
1 Green Woodpecker, 1 Slow-worm, 1 Bank Vole, 1 Southern Hawker, 2 Wall Brown, 6 Marbled White [Paul Baker]

Victoria Road, Rayleigh, 14:30 to 16:30
1 Swift, 1 Goldcrest, 3 Migrant Hawker, 2 Peacock Butterfly, 1 Meadow Brown [Neil Chambers]

Wallasea Island (RSPB), 12:00 to 16:45, Overcast, muggy early brightening with light W breeze later
57 Little Egret (Counted on Lytag alone, lots more across the site), 18 Grey Heron (Lytag and Pool), 6 Spoonbill (Lytag), 3 Marsh Harrier (Inc 2 pristine juveniles together), 1 Hobby (Adult causing chaos as stooped on wader flock on Pool M - birds in all directions ), 200 Avocet (+, Main flock on Lytag. Se, feral pairs still with unfledged chicks on south lagoons), 1 Curlew Sandpiper (Adult with Dunlin and BtG on Pool M), 29 Dunlin (Summer plumaged birds with BtG on Pool M), 252 Black-tailed Godwit (177 on Darwin, further 75 on Pool Marsh which presumed same relocated to Lytag), 1 Spotted Redshank (Lytag), 25 Greenshank (Flock flew out from Pool and split up, later 20+ distantly on Lytag presumed same), 5 Mediterranean Gull (Notably quiet for most of the afternoon- a few moulting adults on Darwin), 2 Scarce Emerald Damselfly, 2 Southern Emerald Damselfly, 10 Ruddy Darter (+), 1 Butterflies and Moths (Six-belted Clearwing low over Birdsfoot Trefoil on path to hide), 1 Essex Skipper (Abundant), 1 Large White (A few), 1 Small White, 1 Small Copper, 1 Common Blue, 2 Painted Lady, 6 Marbled White, 1 Gatekeeper (Abundant), 1 Meadow Brown (Abundant), 1 Small Heath [Jeff Delve]

Edwards Hall Park, 11:30 to 11:45
1 White-legged Damselfly, 1 Southern Migrant Hawker, 2 Wall Brown, 5 Marbled White [John Wright]

Westcliff, 11:10 to 11:15, Shakespeare Dr
21 Swift [Jeff Kinnerman]

Chalkwell Park Drive, Leigh, 10:00 to 10:00
1 Little Egret (flew north over garden) [John Wright]

Bowers Marsh (RSPB), 07:30 to 11:30
2 Spoonbill (in field from the gate by barn.), 4 Shelduck (3 juvs. on saline lagoon.), 1 Wigeon (drake.), 2 Buzzard, 2 Kestrel, 40 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Green Sandpiper, 5 Common Sandpiper, 9 Yellow Wagtail, 1 Yellowhammer [Graham Ryland, Graham Oakes]

West Canvey Marsh (RSPB), 07:00 to 10:00, Overcast
14 Little Grebe, 4 Great Crested Grebe, 20 Little Egret, 1 Egyptian Goose, 1 Buzzard, 2 Kestrel, 2 Avocet, 11 Black-tailed Godwit, 5 Spotted Redshank, 1 Greenshank, 3 Green Sandpiper, 6 Common Sandpiper (In the creek), 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 14 Yellow Wagtail, 20 Goldfinch, 6 Reed Bunting, 1 Corn Bunting, 1 Red Fox, 1 Weasel [Terry Blackwell]

Saturday 20 July 2024

West Canvey Marsh (RSPB), 20:00 to 21:30
2 Spotted Redshank (+, mobile and vocal), 1 Greenshank, 5 Green Sandpiper, 2 Common Sandpiper (In creek), 2 Barn Owl, 40 Yellow Wagtail (+, along eastern electric fence line from pantile screen), 2 Corn Bunting [Tim Bourne]

Wallasea Island (RSPB), 19:00 to 21:20, Sunny, light W breeze, 20C
17 Grey Heron, 5 Spoonbill, 1 Marsh Harrier (Ad female), 70 Black-tailed Godwit (+), 2 Whimbrel, 2 Spotted Redshank (Lytag, one in partial summer plumage), 19 Greenshank (16 on Lytag, 3 Pool Matdh), 1 Common Sandpiper, 30 Common Tern (+, Noisily obvious all over! ), 2 Barn Owl (Pair hunting wild bird cover as we left), 29 Yellow Wagtail (20 along Allfleets sea wall between car park and jubilee trail, 9 with cattle on Tillets, lots of juvs), 11 Reed Bunting (With YW flock ), 6 Corn Bunting (3 singing birds), 4 Scarce Emerald Damselfly, 1 Southern Emerald Damselfly, 1 Ruddy Darter [Jeff Delve]

Bowers Downs, 18:15 to 18:45
1 Cattle Egret (with cattle herd on Bowers), 1 Spoonbill (on Bowers lagoon), 1 Kestrel (noisy juvenile still present), 1 Green Sandpiper [Paul Baker, Neil Chambers]

Bowers Downs, 17:25 to 18:15, Before PB arrived
2 Spoonbill, 2 Egyptian Goose, 3 Southern Migrant Hawker [Neil Chambers]

Hockley Woods, 14:55 to 16:30
1 Green Woodpecker, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 3 Blackcap, 2 Treecreeper, 1 Southern Hawker, 25 Southern Migrant Hawker, 1 Common Darter, 1 Ruddy Darter, 1 Silver-washed Fritillary (along northern ride throughout but rarely landed) [Paul Baker, Neil Chambers]

Fleet Head, 12:30 to 14:00
3 Marsh Harrier (Two females and a male), 20 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Whimbrel, 2 Greenshank, 2 Green Sandpiper, 1 Common Sandpiper, 5 Yellow Wagtail [Lee Ebbs]

Wallasea Island (RSPB), 11:30 to 13:00
1 Marsh Harrier, 2 Sedge Warbler (along bank by approach to hide), 2 Corn Bunting (singing birds along entrance track), 4 Scarce Emerald Damselfly, 1 Southern Migrant Hawker, 41 Butterflies and Moths (Six-belted Clearwings to lure in various places between car park and hide), 2 Small Copper, 20 Gatekeeper, 30 Meadow Brown [Neil Chambers]

Victoria Road, Rayleigh, 10:30 to 10:35
1 Southern Migrant Hawker [Neil Chambers]

Canewdon, 09:30 to 10:30
1 Blackcap (Singing), 1 Azure Damselfly, 1 Blue-tailed Damselfly, 2 Emperor Dragonfly, 1 Broad-bodied Chaser, 1 Ruddy Darter, 1 Butterflies and Moths (Lunar Hornet Clearwing to lure in garden ), 1 Small Skipper, 1 Large Skipper, 1 Brimstone (Fresh male), 1 Large White, 1 Small White, 2 Red Admiral, 8 Peacock Butterfly, 1 Speckled Wood, 4 Marbled White, 6 Gatekeeper, 9 Meadow Brown, 2 Ringlet (Mating) [Jeff Delve]

Westcliff, 06:05 to 06:10, St Georges Drive
14 Swift [Jeff Kinnerman]

Bowers Marsh (RSPB), 06:00 to 09:00, Sunny intervals and warm
1 Kestrel, 18 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Greenshank, 1 Green Sandpiper, 1 Common Sandpiper, 5 Stock Dove, 1 Barn Owl, 2 Swift, 20 Swallow, 10 Yellow Wagtail, 16 Goldfinch, 1 Yellowhammer, 6 Reed Bunting [Terry Blackwell]

Friday 19 July 2024

Shoebury, 21:10 to 21:20
5 Herring Gull (2 ad, 3 juvs), 25 Swift (Screaming party over the garden. ) [Marc Outten]

Bowers Downs, 18:50 to 19:50
1 Cattle Egret (On south side lagoon), 2 Spoonbill (Feeding in Bowers lagoon), 2 Egyptian Goose, 1 Buzzard, 5 Green Sandpiper [Tim Bourne]

Hampton Barns, 17:30 to 18:00
1 Little Owl (in usual place) [John Wright]

Wallasea Island (RSPB), 17:15 to 17:20
1 Grey Squirrel (side of road west of Baltic Wharf woodyard, not on the reserve) [John Wright]

Wat Tyler Country Park, 17:00 to 18:40
3 Silver-washed Fritillary (2 briefly along track up from marina pond. 1 showed well on bramble along track on east side of 1st paddock from green centre) [Tim Bourne]

Wallasea Island (RSPB), 16:30 to 19:25
5 Spoonbill (on Lytag Lagoon), 2 Marsh Harrier, 1 Hobby, 195 Black-tailed Godwit (on Lytag Lagoon), 2 Greenshank, 1 Common Sandpiper, 37 Southern Emerald Damselfly, 1 Southern Migrant Hawker, 2 Butterflies and Moths (Six-belted Clearwing), 1 Butterflies and Moths (Oak Egger), 1 Painted Lady [Steve Arlow]

Wallasea Island (RSPB), 14:35 to 17:00
5 Spoonbill, 2 Marsh Harrier, 1 Buzzard, 1 Kestrel, 1 Hobby (showing very well around hide, even landed on the saltmarsh for a while), 1 Common Sandpiper, 2 Mediterranean Gull, 10 Yellow Wagtail, 1 Sedge Warbler, 2 Reed Bunting, 10 Corn Bunting, 1 Southern Migrant Hawker, 6 Butterflies and Moths (Six-belted Clearwings to lure), 2 Small Copper, 2 Common Blue, 15 Marbled White [Paul Baker, John Wright]

Highlands Boulevard, Leigh, 12:40 to 14:00, Hot and sunny
33 Swift, 1 Butterflies and Moths (Red-belted Clearwing to lure), 1 Comma [Paul Griggs, Bob Young]

Rochford, 12:00 to 12:45
1 Butterflies and Moths (Lunar Hornet Moth - Thanks Steve!) [Paul Baker]

South Fambridge, 11:45 to 12:00
1 Buzzard, 1 Greenshank [Paul Baker]

Victoria Road, Rayleigh, 11:30 to 12:10
1 Butterflies and Moths (Red-belted Clearwing to lure), 1 Small White [Neil Chambers]

Belfairs N.R., 10:00 to 12:20
1 Buzzard, 1 Green Woodpecker (h), 1 Common Darter, 1 Butterflies and Moths (Lunar Hornet Moth to lure), 1 Large White, 2 Purple Hairstreak, 2 Peacock Butterfly, 2 Comma, 1 Silver-washed Fritillary, 2 Gatekeeper, 4 Meadow Brown, 3 Ringlet [Paul Griggs, Bob Young]

Victoria Road, Rayleigh, 10:00 to 11:15, Sunny, very warm
1 Coal Tit (singing - first one here since April 2023!), 1 Southern Hawker, 1 Butterflies and Moths (Orange-tailed Clearwing to lure), 1 Large White, 2 Red Admiral, 2 Peacock Butterfly, 1 Meadow Brown [Neil Chambers, Paul Baker]

Rochford, 09:50 to 09:55
1 Butterflies and Moths (Lunar Hornet to the lure in the garden) [Steve Arlow]

South Fambridge, 09:25 to 09:25
1 Hummingbird Hawkmoth (flew indoors!) [Paul Baker]

Westcliff, 05:50 to 05:55, St Georges Drive
12 Swift [Jeff Kinnerman]

Thursday 18 July 2024

Bowers Marsh (RSPB), 20:30 to 21:45
3 Whimbrel, 2 Greenshank (+, heard only), 3 Green Sandpiper, 1 Common Sandpiper, 2 Yellow Wagtail, 1 Grasshopper Warbler (Reeling from landfill), 2 Bearded Tit (+ Calling ) [Tim Bourne]

Battlesbridge Sewage Works, 19:20 to 20:00, Warm, sunny, low tide
30 Little Egret, 1 Whimbrel, 1 Greenshank, 1 Yellow-legged Gull (near-ad opposite chalets before flying towards Hullbridge), 1 Reed Warbler (singing), 1 Whitethroat, 5 skippers, 100 Marbled White, 10 Gatekeeper, 200 Meadow Brown [Neil Chambers]

Highlands Boulevard, Leigh, 13:00 to 16:30
1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Buzzard, 7 Mediterranean Gull (6 ads, 1 1st-w with mixed gull anting flock ), 1 Stock Dove, 100 Swift (+, lots all day, largest flock c. 60) [Paul Griggs]

Westcliff, 12:10 to 12:15, St Georges Drive
50 Swift (+) [Jeff Kinnerman]

West Canvey Marsh (RSPB), 09:30 to 11:30
2 Egyptian Goose, 1 Buzzard, 3 Kestrel, 3 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 Greenshank, 2 Green Sandpiper, 4 Common Sandpiper (in the creek) [John Wright]

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Gunners Park, 21:00 to 22:00
7 Common Pipistrelle [John Wright]

South Fambridge, 16:00 to 16:00
1 Marsh Harrier (female on BHF), 1 Green Woodpecker (heard), 1 Willow Emerald Damselfly, 2 Red Admiral, 2 Marbled White [Paul Baker]

Highlands Boulevard, Leigh, 11:00 to 15:30
1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Buzzard, 1 Stock Dove, 8 Swift [Paul Griggs]

Bowers Marsh (RSPB), 07:30 to 11:00
6 Great Crested Grebe (3 juveniles ), 2 Buzzard, 2 Kestrel, 10 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 Spotted Redshank (Saline Lagoon ), 8 Greenshank (Saline Lagoon ), 1 Common Sandpiper, 6 Mediterranean Gull, 12 Yellow Wagtail, 2 Southern Migrant Hawker [Graham Oakes]

Westcliff, 06:05 to 06:10, St Georges Drive
11 Swift [Jeff Kinnerman]

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Two Tree Island (East), 20:45 to 22:10
2 Barn Owl (lots of calling so maybe young about), 6 Noctule Bat (2 seen, 4 detected only), 1 Red Fox, 1 Badger, 2 Wood Mouse [John Wright]

South Fambridge, 19:30 to 19:45
5 Slow-worm [Paul Baker]

Chalkwell Park Drive, Leigh, 13:45 to 14:00
1 Buzzard (being chased by a Herring Gull), 5 Slow-worm [John Wright]

Westcliff, 12:25 to 12:30, St Georges Drive
1 Wall Brown (garden visit to the Knapweed area ) [Jeff Kinnerman]

Bowers Marsh (RSPB), 09:25 to 12:00
2 Spoonbill, 3 Buzzard, 5 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Common Sandpiper, 2 Yellow Wagtail, 2 Yellowhammer [Bob Young]

Westcliff, 06:40 to 06:45, St Georges Drive
18 Swift [Jeff Kinnerman]

Canvey Wick, 05:50 to 08:00, SW 3 Sunny intervals
1 Egyptian Goose (flew over), 1 Kestrel, 1 Hobby, 60 Curlew (+, Hole Haven), 1 Greenshank (flew over), 14 Swift, 4 Green Woodpecker, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Swallow, 5 Song Thrush, 15 Blackcap, 30 Whitethroat (+), 6 Chiffchaff, 4 Chaffinch, 12 Greenfinch [Terry Blackwell]

Monday 15 July 2024

Victoria Road, Rayleigh, 19:30 to 19:45
14 Swift, 2 Blackcap (looked like ad fem + juv) [Neil Chambers]

South Fambridge, 19:15 to 19:30
1 Marsh Harrier (female on BHF), 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Mediterranean Gull, 5 Common Tern [Paul Baker]

Vange Marsh (RSPB), 16:40 to 17:05
2 Little Egret, 1 Ruff, 80 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Spotted Redshank, 1 Wood Sandpiper, 41 Mediterranean Gull [Marc Outten]

Thorpe Bay, 13:30 to 14:00, GOLF COURSE - light rain showers, cool
2 Ring-necked Parakeet (presumed pair in poplar and willow, then flew off over Wyatts Drive), 2 Green Woodpecker, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Painted Lady (an unexpected surprise) [Paul Baker]

Rochford, 10:00 to 10:00
2 Butterflies and Moths (Lunar Hornet Moth came to the Lure in the garden) [Steve Arlow]

Westcliff, 08:30 to 08:35, St Georges Drive
9 Swift [Jeff Kinnerman]

Tile Wood, 06:50 to 07:40, Sunny
1 Green Woodpecker, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaff, 1 Goldcrest, 2 Treecreeper, 1 Jay [Terry Blackwell]

Pound Wood, 05:45 to 06:45, Sunny and very still
2 Green Woodpecker, 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 3 Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaff, 4 Treecreeper, 1 Jay, 3 Red Fox, 5 Grey Squirrel [Terry Blackwell]

Sunday 14 July 2024

Stambridge, 22:35 to 22:35, in the garden
1 Western Hedgehog (1st for 5 years) [Steve Sanford]

Chalkwell Park Drive, Leigh, 22:15 to 22:35
5 Red Fox (2 adults, 3 cubs) [John Wright]

Wat Tyler Country Park, 17:30 to 18:45
3 Sparrowhawk (Adult fem. and 2 juvs) [Tim Bourne]

Paglesham East Hall Road, 15:30 to 16:40
4 Kestrel, 2 Reed Warbler (singing), 9 Corn Bunting (singing birds at various points between Pag Lag sewage works and the seawall), 3 Emerald Damselfly, 3 Scarce Emerald Damselfly, 6 Ruddy Darter, 5 Marbled White, 10 Gatekeeper, 5 Meadow Brown [Neil Chambers]

Park View Drive, Leigh, 14:05 to 14:05
1 Buzzard (over east) [Graham Mee]

Canewdon, 12:25 to 13:00, Warm, 20C, patchy sun, light SW. Butterfly count on BHP meadow
1 Buzzard (calling), 1 Southern Migrant Hawker (in garden), 1 Emperor Dragonfly (patrolling pond), 1 Broad-bodied Chaser, 1 Ruddy Darter, 1 Essex Skipper, 1 Large Skipper, 1 Large White, 1 Red Admiral, 2 Peacock Butterfly, 2 Comma (in garden), 2 Marbled White, 2 Gatekeeper, 5 Meadow Brown [Jeff Delve]

Bowers Marsh (RSPB), 12:00 to 14:00
2 Buzzard [Mike Clarke]

Victoria Road, Rayleigh, 11:00 to 11:10
Lunar Hornet on patio door (Neil Chambers) (43091 bytes) 1 Butterflies and Moths (Lunar Hornet Moth to lure) [Neil Chambers]

Hadleigh Marshes, 10:00 to 12:00
1 Red Kite (drifted north ), 1 Kestrel, 10 Marsh Frog, 2 Scarce Emerald Damselfly, 8 Willow Emerald Damselfly, 30 Small Red-eyed Damselfly, 1 Southern Migrant Hawker, 3 Emperor Dragonfly, 1 Broad-bodied Chaser, 4 Common Darter, 20 Ruddy Darter, 25 skippers, 1 Small Skipper, 1 Essex Skipper, 1 Large Skipper, 1 Brimstone [John Wright]

Benfleet, 09:35 to 09:35
5 Crossbill (Tight flock of 5 over garden calling, heading SW, incl. an obvious red male) [Tim Bourne]

Southend, 08:50 to 08:50, Lundy Close
2 Swift [Jeff Kinnerman]

Bowers Marsh (RSPB), 07:30 to 11:00
1 Buzzard, 5 Kestrel (family party.), 1 Dunlin, 5 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Spotted Redshank, 1 Common Sandpiper, 2 Bearded Tit, 2 Yellowhammer, 2 Southern Migrant Hawker [Graham Ryland, Graham Oakes]

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