Southend Ornithological Group Records

SOG records for Spoonbill, at Wallasea Island (RSPB), from 09 April 2021 until 13 April 2021, recorded by all observers. Records marked with '*' may be duplicates.

Species Site Date Count Notes Observers
Spoonbill Wallasea Island (RSPB) 09/04/2021 Feeding actively on Stokes lagoon before flying to roost on Darwin Jeff Delve 
*Spoonbill Wallasea Island (RSPB) 09/04/2021 adult on Stokes Lagoon Jeff Delve 
*Spoonbill Wallasea Island (RSPB) 09/04/2021 feeding in SE corner of Stokes Lagoon Neil Chambers 
*Spoonbill Wallasea Island (RSPB) 09/04/2021  John Wright 
*Spoonbill Wallasea Island (RSPB) 09/04/2021 adult on Stokes Marsh Steve Arlow 
Spoonbill Wallasea Island (RSPB) 10/04/2021 eventually refound feeding on Pool Marsh then flew to Lytag  Jeff Delve 
*Spoonbill Wallasea Island (RSPB) 10/04/2021 On Pool Marsh before flying off and seeming to land on Stokes but could not be refound  Lee Ebbs 
*Spoonbill Wallasea Island (RSPB) 10/04/2021  Mike Clarke 
Spoonbill Wallasea Island (RSPB) 12/04/2021 On Darwin just S of hide Jeff Delve 
Status: not logged in.