Southend Ornithological Group Records

SOG records for Raven, at Wallasea Island (RSPB), from 20 January 2020 until 24 January 2020, recorded by all observers. Records marked with '*' may be duplicates.

Species Site Date Count Notes Observers
Raven Wallasea Island (RSPB) 22/01/2020 calling on easternmost field from crossrail viewpoint. Possibly one of three large corvids seen together at distance earlier around large concrete sluice and sea wall  Jeff Delve 
Raven Wallasea Island (RSPB) 24/01/2020 Distantly on big concrete sluice railing dwarfing accompanying crows Jeff Delve 
*Raven Wallasea Island (RSPB) 24/01/2020 a flock! John Wright 
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