Southend Ornithological Group Records

SOG records for Nightingale, at Canvey Wick, from 27 April 2016 until 01 May 2016, recorded by all observers. Records marked with '*' may be duplicates.

Species Site Date Count Notes Observers
Nightingale Canvey Wick 27/04/2016 heard, between Northwick Road & track, past radio mast, just before track turns left. Richard Howard 
Nightingale Canvey Wick 29/04/2016 Perhaps 3, along Northwick.Road boundary Tim Bourne 
*Nightingale Canvey Wick 29/04/2016 singing by radar tower Lee Ebbs 
*Nightingale Canvey Wick 29/04/2016 singing just west of broken fence 'entrance', audible from Northwick Road Neil Chambers 
Nightingale Canvey Wick 01/05/2016 two west of reserve where previously reported and one across Northwick Road just past recycling centre Jeff Delve 
*Nightingale Canvey Wick 01/05/2016 singing about 100 metres west of radio mast Richard Howard 
Status: not logged in.